Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Your cliche title here:

I have tried several attempts of blogging before this one, and to be honest, all have failed terribly.
I have tried writing about food, travel, everyday life and have never committed to any one of these blogs for some reason or other. Alright, I know the reason, it's because I have lost interest in them. Pretty sad, huh? My blogging was so bad, I bored myself. Then, on one of those days I was kicking around ideas for a new blog , I thought of something so brilliant ( in my mind ) that I was saddened that I did not think of it earlier. I would write about topics that I know. Great idea, don't you think? And the two topics I am pretty good at are architecture and Disney.

I was born and raised in Florida, and in order to be called an official Floridian, you must make the obligatory trip to Walt Disney World at least once a year. It was wonderful as a child knowing that every summer, or little break we had, we would take the short ride to Disney. One of my earliest memories of Disney is the feeling of familiarity the parks always gave me when I walked through those gates. Like a college student visiting your mom's house, there was a warm welcoming and a sense of security that I have always experienced. As I became older and more aware of my surroundings, I turned to the architecture of Disney.I was enamored on the styles and techniques Disney always used to gently usher you from one area to the next, and while I was admiring the Italy pavilions of Epcot I decided right there, I wanted to be an architect. All throughout my education my goal was to be a Disney architect, and be a part of the magic, imagination and wonder.

I finished my schooling, and worked for some great firms, but unfortunately, Disney was not one of them. However,  I am lucky to witness the incredible creative explosion of architecture that Disney has gone through since their years of infancy, and this is the whole concept of my blog. I will write about the why styles and surroundings were chosen for each area that encompasses Walt Disney World and ( hopefully) beyond. Together I want to crack the "Walt Disney Code" of each building and see the meaning behind it. I will not delve too much about the how or  "Hidden Mickeys" or "disney details" frankly because there are alot of great blogs in the internet
 ( allears.net is a great one to start with ) that cover those topics extensively.

I hope you join me on this journey. A journey to discover the other side of Disney, and to discover what exactly they did to make everyone's visit feel just right. Amazing that this all started with "just a mouse".